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W-Mo-Ta-Nb 20-63μm


Product Features

Tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum and niobium powder is an alloy powder composed of tungsten (W), molybdenum (Mo), tantalum (Ta) and niobium (Nb). It has a variety of excellent physical and chemical properties, so it is used in many fields. Wide range of applications. Order quantity (minimum order quantity): determined by both parties Payment method: determined by both parties Product Origin: China Shipping: determined by both parties Order delivery time: 1-7 days

Classification:Metal Powders

Keywords: tantalum powder, tungsten powder


Product details

Application areas:

High-temperature alloy: Due to its high melting point and good high-temperature stability, tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, and niobium powder is often used to manufacture high-temperature alloy materials, such as high-temperature structural parts, hot tools, high-temperature reactors, etc., and is used in aerospace, aerospace engines, nuclear energy and other fields. important applications.

Electronic industry: Tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum and niobium alloy powder can be used to manufacture electronic components, resistors, vacuum tubes, etc. Due to its high melting point, high density and excellent conductive properties, it is suitable for the manufacture of some special electronic equipment and circuits.

Chemical industry: Due to its good corrosion resistance and wear resistance, tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum and niobium powder can be used to manufacture corrosion-resistant parts of chemical equipment, such as valves, pipes, pumps, etc., and is widely used in chemical production.

Medical devices: Tungsten-molybdenum-tantalum-niobium alloy powder is also used in the field of medical devices and can be used to manufacture high-quality medical devices, such as surgical instruments, implantable medical devices, radiotherapy equipment, etc.

Material reinforcement: Tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum and niobium alloy powder can be added to other matrix materials as reinforcing materials to improve their mechanical properties, wear resistance and corrosion resistance. It is often used to manufacture composite materials, cermet materials, etc.

Aerospace field: In the aerospace field, tungsten-molybdenum-tantalum-niobium alloy powder is often used to manufacture aerospace devices, rocket components, missile structural parts, etc., and has good performance in extreme environments.

Energy industry: Due to its high-temperature stability and corrosion resistance, tungsten-molybdenum-tantalum-niobium alloy powder can also be used to manufacture energy equipment, such as high-temperature burners, gas turbine components, etc.


  • Tungsten molybdenum tantalum niobium powder particle size distribution

     5-25μm,15-45μm,15-53μm,45-75μm,45-105μm, 75-150μm(Various granularities can be customized according to customer requirements)


  • Particle size distribution chart



Product Consultation
